On Ascension Day in Thursday 25.5.2017 old Saab cars enthusiasts and their vehicles gather to at the Finnish Railway Museum’s courtyard. The assemblage is between 10.30 am – 2 pm. To celebrate the Hyvinkää’s city festival Yhden päivän juttu (One day thing), there is free entry to the museum’s exhibitions.
Also on Thursday 25.5. the Railway Museum launches a new mobile guide. The guide displays the museum’s park and its buildings and history as a railway worker community. Later in summer the mobile guide expands to tell the history of other railway sights of Hyvinkää. The mobile guide is part of the Finnish Railways Museum’s bigger project to celebrate the independent Finland’s centenary in 2017.
The museum is open during Ascension Day 25.5.2017 10 am – 5 pm.